Thursday, March 10, 2011

Almost Finished

So, while Quizzer has been trying to keep Wailing Kate from stealing that Shakespeare exhibit, I've been re-building my lair from the ground up, this time nestled in the base of the New Vineyard's artificial island. Just another week or so and I'll be up and running again.

I managed to scavenge a lot of parts from the robot lion when I went back to pick up what I could from the base. Not sure what to do with it, though, because that thing spectacularly failed twice, but it's got to have some use.

Is anybody else as excited as I am for the Decade's Finest award ceremony? I mean, this is the first big superbeing award ceremony they've had since the Supey's was vaporized from orbit by that Devias robot clone.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting to get an award or anything--there are only like three villain awards and I'm pretty sure the only reason they're there is to discourage orbital deathrays, but,'d be kinda cool if I did somehow win.

My bet, though, is that Worst Villain will be Rakshasa, Worst New Villain will be Cyanide, and Worst Evil Plan will go to the Rakshasa's convoluted President plan. There's some talk that Rakshasa'll be disallowed, though, in which case Worst Villain would be my sister, and Worst Evil Plan would be when Tallow was revealed to have replaced, like a quarter of every legislative branch in Europe and North America with wax clones.

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