Friday, January 28, 2011


This plan is awesome.

Basically, it's a standard "ransom city for precious metals and gems" plan. Why always precious metals and gems? Mostly to make more things with.

But thousands of tiny magnet bombs, scattered everywhere, ready to cause havoc at a moment's notice? If Quizzer tries to stop them at one side of the city, I can set them off on the other side. He tries to save Downtown, I can detonate bombs in the Slags. He tries to save the Slags and I can detonate bombs in Southeast.

And the beautiful chaos they cause when they go off. I honestly can't see him foiling this one. At least not until I get a good haul.

He might just come right at me, though. I don't think he knows exactly where my base is, but I'm pretty sure he knows it's under water. Oh well, I've had years to get this thing Quizzer-proof. Let 'im come.

In more serious news, Rodney Richards, also known as the villain Lightning Rod, received the death penalty today, ironically enough by electric chair.

I'd say I feel bad about this, and how it sucks to have another dead villain, but he was scum, so screw him. People like him give other villains a bad name--even Captain Visigoth and "Lord" Grim're classier than he was.

I'd worry about getting flamed by his friends and henchmen, but I think he lost all of them a while ago.

Anyway, back to monitoring my plan.

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