Friday, April 30, 2010

Young Whippersnappers

The Candleflames are burning down downtown again. Guess Quizzer's raid's about to be interrupted.

Ah to be young, with nothing but a plasma rifle and a dream to burn the city to ashes. I remember when I was that naive. I grew up, though, and came to realize that just a plasma rifle's not enough.

Some days, I think about recruiting the Candleflames as henchmen but, really, I don't want to deal with teenagers more than I have to. It's going to be bad enough in twelve-thirteen years when I have a partly divine one throwing things and shouting about how I don't know what pain is.

Yeah. Really looking forward to that.

Anyway, I think I need a brand new plan to hold the city for ransom. No flying fortresses, no animal mecha, no tanks, no weather's going to be a blast.

And, on monday, you get to see if it worked.

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