Saturday, October 3, 2009

From the Cargo Hold

Hey guys, this post coming in while I'm on board the ship. Snuck into the cargo hold, and I'm just checking to see if I can find any clues here. Also going over the passenger manifest. I would just take over the ship, but now I'm curious enough that I want to see who the big trap is for. And if it's for someone I don't like, I'd love to see it succeed. Can't get in the way of, say, a Judy trap. Or "Lord" Grim for that matter.

So far not much on either front. Passenger list is a bunch of bigwigs but no one major so far. Only thing I could think of would be someone in general with a problem with Arkady or Brannigan, or any number of other companies. I think there might be a couple Aimwrights on board. They're rich and all, but I can't think of anyone with a grudge against them specifically.

Oh, and I know that two-timing bastard's name. Oh, it's on now.

Holy crap. Rose Collins is on the ship. As in, Barb. What's the most famous corporate spy in the world doing, openly, on a cruise ship? More importantly, does she have her super villain gear with her? If it were a trap for here, she would be here under an alias, unless she knows it's a trap and is trying to flaunt it. But that doesn't make sense either. Spider would've made a move by now.

This cargo is really boring. I've done a few scans of the weapon lockers I can fine, and it's high-caliber stuff, but nothing exciting. A lot of e.m.p.s and armor-piercing bullets. Which makes me suspicious it's a trap for me, but something still doesn't add up.

That Barb's here is really bothering me. Barb plus Aimwrights along with corporate executives worth billions--if not trillions, on an unseasonable trip in an unfashionable area. The ship alone is worth an ungodly amount, even if it was stripped before being sold to a private collector.

Holy crap, how did I miss this on the security cameras? Conner Ferrian, Junior, AKA CJ, AKA my brother, Overdose. I haven't seem him anywhere but his name's on the roster. Maybe he comes later? Maybe he spirngs the trap from above or something?

Okay, let's think. Who's a super villain in the nearby area? I guess if you ignore the great lakes, Snake Eyes isn't too far. But this isn't his style. I mean, the closest major hub is Anarchy Groves in Penn. But this really isn't any of Scarlet Sorceress's villains' style.

Oh crap. I've been thinking about this all wrong. This isn't a trap for a villain. It's a trap for an anti-hero.

Snake Eyes used to be an Aimwright. Or, more accurately, he still is, but publically the family's disowned him. Privately I heard CJ mention everything's hugs and kisses with the relations behind closed doors. Yep, you want the inside scoop, go to a henchman, that's what I've learned. Apparently, the Arsenal suspects this is the case, and he's been breathing down the necks of the Aimwrights trying to get to Snake Eyes. And Barb's tusseled with the Arsenal more than she has with "other" heroes. Hell, she and CJ and the Aimwrights might not even be on the ship in the first place--even if they might have announced their presence earlier or something.

Snake Eyes must've made a deal with Agent Spider to catch his "Menace to Society" arch-nemesis. I mean, everyone knows Spider and the Arsenal don't get along.

So they're trying to catch the Arsenal. Hell. I'm gonna sit this one out. And fortify my base. Because if Arsenal starts fighting, there's going to be a whole lot of destruction. I'll probably call Quizzer and tell him what's going on. Most destructive "hero" ever starts fighting near the city you've sworn to protect, you're probably gonna want a head's up, after all. Plus, it'll be fun to watch him get tossed around if he tries to intervene.

Wait. Why have so many important people on a boat if they're just going to be part of the bait for someone like oh hey when did I get surrounded by soldiers I gotta go.

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