Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Working Hard

Making a new base is harder than I remember it being.

Still, it's going well. As cool as the old base was, I'm loving how this is turning out. The old place had some problems, what with being originally designed to be a temporary workstation.

Also, I'll be able to get internet too, which is awesome.

Today, however, I mostly rested, watched tv, and played Hypno Bubble. I'm going to need the rest, too, because tomorrow I start Deirdre-proofing the place. That's going to be a bitch. It's bad enough my lair has to be toddler-proofed, but this kid is part god. You'd think that'd make it easier, but trying to prevent a kid from choking on small objects is pretty hard when she can crush larger objects into asphyxiation-sized chunks with her bare hands.

In other news, Judy keeps trying to contact me. She still says she had our kid, presumably cloned by mixing my cells and her cells. Though, I know I came to this conclusion myself, but the more I think about it the more it bothers me. Judy's a physicist and an engineer. As far as I know, she's got no experience with cloning tech. But I've seen pictures and, well, there's family resemblance, iincluding the telltale flame red hair. I'm not sure what to do. If I ignore the kid...even though I didn't have any part in making her, does that make me a deadbeat?

Also, my god Sinapse is annoying. I mean, I thought that vampire, Sanguinous, was the most annoying of Quizzer's enemies but, nope. It's like he read a book on how to be the most stereotypical megalomaniac he can be. He's treacherous, he's conceited, he's greedy, and, worst of all, his goal is to, of course, take over the world.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with villains that want to conquer to the world, but it's just not a realistic goal. Not for one person, not even for one country. When you get right down to it, the planet's too big and it has too many people on it.

Also, I've always thought telepathy/mind control was a creepy power, especially in the hands of a villain. I mean...think about it.

Oh well, now I'm ranting. Back to hypno-bubble.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Lair

My lair was, until recently, an old abandoned lake floor building that had been originally made to house workers while Brannigan was building the island that New Vineyard rests on. It had a lot of space, and several built-in workshops.

I'll miss it.

See, when I said "Quizzer would have to break into my base to beat the magnet plan I am awsome mwahahaha", I didn't realize he'd actually, you know, do it. But, yes, he broke into my lair, fought Hex and I, and I accidentally ended up trashing the place while trying to shoot him. Hex, Deirdre, and I managed to get into my mole machine, where we are now.

Luckily, I still have wifi in this bad boy.

I've managed to scavenge some of my stuff from the ruins, but I won't be able to go back there, since Quizzer and the authorities all know where it was.

Maybe I'll burrow into the island itself and set up shop in a manufactured cave or something.

This sucks but, hey, sometimes change is good.

Then again, all of the plunder I'd gotten from this and other capers is now gone, and I only have a fraction of my previous tech.

Stupid Quizzer.